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Post Cards

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Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
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Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Fri 22 Apr 2016, 12:59

First topic message reminder :

What are post cards ? Post cards display a brief summary about a linked post, so you can get an idea of who wrote the message and what they said without actually quoting the post. The cards are created by posting the direct link to a message, so no bbcode is required.

Post Cards - Page 4 Captur42

Click to view demo

How does it work ?
It's incredibility easy ! Just copy the direct link to a post -- like the one below -- and paste it into your message. After you post or preview your message the link will automatically be converted into a post card ! No bbcode, no problem !

Direct post link :

Result when posted :

You can post the direct link to any post in your forum OR posts from other Forumotion forums, and the links will automatically be converted into post cards. Posts that are not visible however, will display a placeholder card. Wink


To install this plugin go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.

Title : Post Cards
Placement : In all the pages
$(function() {
  var a = $('.postbody a'),
      version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('wrap') ? 1 : $('div.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : document.getElementById('fa_edge') ? 4 : 'badapple';

  // error notifications
  if (version == 'badapple' || !window.JSON || !window.localStorage) {
    var errString = 'The plugin "fa_post_card" could not be executed because : ';

    if (version == 'badapple') errString += '\nYour forum version is not supported.';
    if (!window.JSON) errString += '\nJSON is not supported by your browser';
    if (!window.localStorage) errString += '\nThe Storage API is not supported by your browser.';

    window.console && console.error ? console.error(errString) : alert(errString);

  window.fa_post_card = {
    summary_length : 160, // maximum character length for messages in post cards
        cache_time : 1*60*60*1000, // amount of time that cards are cached ( 1 hour )

    // language config
    lang : {
      error : {
          name : 'Error',
          title : 'POST NOT FOUND',
        summary : 'The post you tried to view could not be found or is not accesible to you.'

        no_name : 'Anonymous',
      no_avatar : '',
        no_title : 'No Title Available',
      no_summary : 'No Summary Available',
      no_origin : 'No Origin Available',
        tooltip : 'Click to view the full post'

          a : a, // anchor cache
      index : -1, // anchor index
      quota : a.length, // anchor cache total
    version : version, // forum version

    // selectors
    select : {
      content : ['.postbody > div', '.content > div', '.entry-content > div:first > div', '.post-entry > div:first', '.content > div'],
        title : ['.postdetails:has(.sprite-icon_miniposted)', '.topic-title', '.posthead a', '.postbody-head a', '.topic-title'],
        avatar : ['.poster-profile a img', '.postprofile dt img', '.user-basic-info img:first', '.postprofile dt img', '.postprofile .user-avatar img'],
      username : ['.name', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.username', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.postprofile .username']

    // escape HTML tags
    sanitize : function(str) {
      if (str) {
        return str.replace(/<|>/gm, function(M) {
          switch (M) {
            case '<' :
              return '<';

            case '>' :
              return '>';
      } else {
        return '';

    // create the post card
    createCard : function(anchor, post, ver) {
      // variables for the card contents
      var o = {
        username : post ? $([ver], post).text() :,
          avatar : post ? $([ver], post).attr('src') : fa_post_card.lang.no_avatar,
          title : post ? $([ver], post).text() : fa_post_card.lang.error.title,
        summary : post ? $([ver], post).text() : fa_post_card.lang.error.summary,
          origin : anchor.innerHTML
      id = o.origin.replace(/.*?#(\d+)$/, '$1'),
      cards = localStorage.fa_post_cards ? JSON.parse(localStorage.fa_post_cards) : {},

      // escape HTML tags to reduce risk of XSS attacks
      for (i in o) {
        o[i] = fa_post_card.sanitize(o[i]);

      anchor.className += ' fa_post_card';
      anchor.title = fa_post_card.lang.tooltip;

      // card structure
      anchor.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_card_inner">'+
        '<div class="fa_card_left">'+
          '<img class="fa_card_avatar" src="' + ( o.avatar ? o.avatar : fa_post_card.lang.no_avatar ) + '"/>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_username">' + ( o.username ? o.username : fa_post_card.lang.no_name ) + '</div>'+

        '<div class="fa_card_right">'+
          '<div class="fa_card_title"><h2>' + ( o.title ? o.title : fa_post_card.lang.no_title ) + '</h2></div>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_summary"><p>' + ( o.summary ? ( o.summary.length > fa_post_card.summary_length ? o.summary.slice(0, fa_post_card.summary_length) + '...' : o.summary ) : fa_post_card.lang.no_summary ) + '</p></div>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_origin">' + ( o.origin ? o.origin.replace(/http:\/\//, '') : fa_post_card.lang.no_origin ) + '</div>'+

        '<div class="fa_card_clear"></div>'+

      // store the card data to the cards object
      if (!cards[]) {
        cards[] = {};

      cards[]['card' + id] = {
        data : anchor.innerHTML,
        expires : +new Date

      localStorage.fa_post_cards = JSON.stringify(cards);

    // get and turn the link into a card
    get : function() {
      var a = fa_post_card.a[++fa_post_card.index],
          cards = localStorage.fa_post_cards ? JSON.parse(localStorage.fa_post_cards) : {},
          reg = /#\d+$/, // match the post hash

      // make sure the anchor contains a hash in the href and html content
      if (a && reg.test(a.innerHTML) && reg.test(a.href)) {
        id = a.href.replace(/.*?#(\d+)$/, '$1'); // post id
        post = $('.post--' + id)[0]; // post selector

        // get the card data if it's cached
        if (cards[] && cards[]['card' + id] && cards[]['card' + id].data && cards[]['card' + id].expires > +new Date - fa_post_card.cache_time) {
          a.className += ' fa_post_card';
          a.title = fa_post_card.lang.tooltip;
          a.innerHTML = cards[]['card' + id].data;
        } else {
          // if the post is present on the page we'll get it by the id
          if (post) {
            fa_post_card.createCard(a, post, fa_post_card.version);
          } else {
            // otherwise we need to get the post data via AJAX
            $.get(a.href.replace(reg, '') + '?change_version=prosilver', function(d) {
              var post = $('.post--' + id, d)[0];
              fa_post_card.createCard(a, post, new RegExp( ? fa_post_card.version : 1); // change the version to prosilver so it's possible to get external post cards
            }).error(function() {

      // continue iterating through the anchor array until we've reached the quota
      if (fa_post_card.index < fa_post_card.quota) {


  fa_post_card.get(); // start iterating the anchors

document.write('<style type="text/css">a.fa_post_card{font-size:12px;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none!important;color:#333!important;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #CCC;border-radius:10px;display:block;width:600px;max-width:100%;min-height:100px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:3px 0}.fa_card_inner{margin-left:125px}.fa_card_left{text-align:center;background:#EEE;border-right:1px solid #CCC;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;width:125px}.fa_card_avatar{height:50px;width:50px;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin:-35px 0 0 -25px}.fa_card_username{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;right:0;margin-top:20px}.fa_card_title h2{color:#333;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;border:none;margin:0}.fa_card_summary p{font-size:12px;margin:0}.fa_card_origin{color:#999}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_summary p,.fa_card_title h2{padding:3px 10px}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_title h2,.fa_card_username{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.fa_card_clear{clear:both}</style>');

Save the script and the Post Cards plugin will be installed ! Try posting some direct post links and they will be converted into post cards. Wink

If you want to make any modifications to the script please see the next section. Smile


Below are all the modifications you can make to this plugin.

1. Summary Length
Near the top of the script after the error handling is a property named
this property controls the max number of characters allowed in the summaries. By default it is set to 160 characters. Change this value if you want to make the summaries longer or shorter. Wink
summary_length : 160, // maximum character length for messages in post cards
Post Cards - Page 4 Captur51

2. Cache Time
As most cards are retrieved by sending a request to the server, the data needs to be cached to reduce the frequency of these requests. Under the summary_length property you'll see another property named
. By default, the post cards are cached for 1 hour. Change this value if you want the cache time to be longer or shorter.
cache_time : 1*60*60*1000, // amount of time that cards are cached ( 1 hour )

3. Language
Under the cache time property is a language object -- named
-- for translations or textual changes. Feel free to change the texts in this object to whatever you want.
    lang : {
      error : {
          name : 'Error',
          title : 'POST NOT FOUND',
        summary : 'The post you tried to view could not be found or is not accesible to you.'

        no_name : 'Anonymous',
      no_avatar : '',
        no_title : 'No Title Available',
      no_summary : 'No Summary Available',
      no_origin : 'No Origin Available',
        tooltip : 'Click to view the full post'

4. The Theme
Lastly is the post card theme. If you want to make edits to the theme find the stylesheet at the bottom of the script :
document.write('<style type="text/css">a.fa_post_card{font-size:12px;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none!important;color:#333!important;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #CCC;border-radius:10px;display:block;width:600px;max-width:100%;min-height:100px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:3px 0}.fa_card_inner{margin-left:125px}.fa_card_left{text-align:center;background:#EEE;border-right:1px solid #CCC;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;width:125px}.fa_card_avatar{height:50px;width:50px;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin:-35px 0 0 -25px}.fa_card_username{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;right:0;margin-top:20px}.fa_card_title h2{color:#333;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;border:none;margin:0}.fa_card_summary p{font-size:12px;margin:0}.fa_card_origin{color:#999}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_summary p,.fa_card_title h2{padding:3px 10px}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_title h2,.fa_card_username{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.fa_card_clear{clear:both}</style>');

You can change the colors, fonts, etc.. here. However, if you have a dark forum and need a dark theme for the post cards, replace the stylesheet above with the one below : (preview)
document.write('<style type="text/css">a.fa_post_card{font-size:12px;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none!important;color:#CCC!important;background:#111;border:1px solid #333;border-radius:10px;display:block;width:600px;max-width:100%;min-height:100px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:3px 0}.fa_card_inner{margin-left:125px}.fa_card_left{text-align:center;background:#222;border-right:1px solid #333;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;width:125px}.fa_card_avatar{height:50px;width:50px;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin:-35px 0 0 -25px}.fa_card_username{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;right:0;margin-top:20px}.fa_card_title h2{color:#CCC;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;border:none;margin:0}.fa_card_summary p{font-size:12px;margin:0}.fa_card_origin{color:#666}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_summary p,.fa_card_title h2{padding:3px 10px}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_title h2,.fa_card_username{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.fa_card_clear{clear:both}</style>');

These are all the modifications that can be made. If you have any questions, comments, or find a bug feel free to leave a reply below. Enjoy ! Coffee

Tutorial written by Ange Tuteur.
Special thanks to the Beta Testers for testing this plugin.
Reproduction not permitted without consent from the author.

Last edited by Ange Tuteur on Thu 01 Sep 2016, 10:29; edited 5 times in total

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
Points : 12134
Reputation : 2375
Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Mon 15 Aug 2016, 17:15

@Michael_vx sorry for the late reply, I made a test with the template you gave me and it seemed to work okay :
Post Cards - Page 4 Captur77

If possible, could you provide me a topic on the forum that has links to other posts in it?
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PostMichael_vx Tue 16 Aug 2016, 05:02

and no need to aplogize
i know your busy coding or life things Smile
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
Points : 12134
Reputation : 2375
Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Tue 16 Aug 2016, 10:31

@Michael_vx thanks ! Smile

Sorry to be nitpicky, but the links for topics need to be a direct link to the post, like this :

So that they can be parsed like this :
Gender : Male
Age : 32
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Language : Arabic
Browser : Browser : Mozilla Firefox Forum Version : Forum Version : Other

PostMichael_vx Tue 16 Aug 2016, 12:40

seems to be working with that way
but is it possible to work with links out of the forum
for Example something that replace the link with a title of the site
will be replaced to
FM Design
with any link same as the post cards way
im not sure if this idea is hard to make or not but i think this can be a nice Script that can beat the VB boards Very Happy
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
Points : 12134
Reputation : 2375
Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Tue 16 Aug 2016, 12:47

@Michael_vx so basically when you post a link to a certain page it'll display the title as the link, correct ? For example : ---> Post Cards - Page 4
Gender : Male
Age : 32
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Language : Arabic
Browser : Browser : Mozilla Firefox Forum Version : Forum Version : Other

PostMichael_vx Tue 16 Aug 2016, 12:49

yeah this can be good also
if possible too
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
Points : 12134
Reputation : 2375
Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Tue 16 Aug 2016, 12:54

Yeah it's possible, I'd just need to reprogram the script or create a new one that's similar. Just gotta make sure the href is equal to the text content so we don't overwrite named links. Wink
Gender : Male
Age : 32
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Language : Arabic
Browser : Browser : Mozilla Firefox Forum Version : Forum Version : Other

PostMichael_vx Tue 16 Aug 2016, 13:13

take the time you need
i might get off now so i hope you Enjoy and give me the good news
i think you already know that im doing this for others who use forumotion forums not me cus im not using forumotion
Very Happy
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PostSLGray Thu 01 Sep 2016, 01:03

If the title of the topic is changed after you have posted a post card, does this cause an error?

I posted post cards in this topic:
Then I edited the titles today.
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
Posts : 4741
Points : 12134
Reputation : 2375
Location : Pennsylvania
Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Thu 01 Sep 2016, 10:25

@SLGray no it shouldn't, I think it might be because the script isn't optimized for Forumactif Edge. Try replacing your script with this :
$(function() {
  'ORIGIN :';

  var a = $('.postbody a'),
      version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('wrap') ? 1 : $('div.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : document.getElementById('fa_edge') ? 4 : 'badapple';

  // error notifications
  if (version == 'badapple' || !window.JSON || !window.localStorage) {
    var errString = 'The plugin "fa_post_card" could not be executed because : ';

    if (version == 'badapple') errString += '\nYour forum version is not supported.';
    if (!window.JSON) errString += '\nJSON is not supported by your browser';
    if (!window.localStorage) errString += '\nThe Storage API is not supported by your browser.';

    window.console && console.error ? console.error(errString) : alert(errString);

  window.fa_post_card = {
    summary_length : 160, // maximum character length for messages in post cards
        cache_time : 1*60*60*1000, // amount of time that cards are cached ( 1 hour )

    // language config
    lang : {
      error : {
          name : 'Error',
          title : 'POST NOT FOUND',
        summary : 'The post you tried to view could not be found or is not accesible to you.'

        no_name : 'Anonymous',
      no_avatar : '',
        no_title : 'No Title Available',
      no_summary : 'No Summary Available',
      no_origin : 'No Origin Available',
        tooltip : 'Click to view the full post'

          a : a, // anchor cache
      index : -1, // anchor index
      quota : a.length, // anchor cache total
    version : version, // forum version

    // selectors
    select : {
      content : ['.postbody > div', '.content > div', '.entry-content > div:first > div', '.post-entry > div:first', '.content > div'],
        title : ['.postdetails:has(.sprite-icon_miniposted)', '.topic-title', '.posthead a', '.postbody-head a', '.topic-title'],
        avatar : ['.poster-profile a img', '.postprofile dt img', '.user-basic-info img:first', '.postprofile dt img', '.postprofile .user-avatar img'],
      username : ['.name', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.username', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.postprofile .username']

    // escape HTML tags
    sanitize : function(str) {
      if (str) {
        return str.replace(/<|>/gm, function(M) {
          switch (M) {
            case '<' :
              return '&lt;';

            case '>' :
              return '&gt;';
      } else {
        return '';

    // create the post card
    createCard : function(anchor, post, ver) {
      // variables for the card contents
      var o = {
        username : post ? $([ver], post).text() :,
          avatar : post ? $([ver], post).attr('src') : fa_post_card.lang.no_avatar,
          title : post ? $([ver], post).text() : fa_post_card.lang.error.title,
        summary : post ? $([ver], post).text() : fa_post_card.lang.error.summary,
          origin : anchor.innerHTML
      id = o.origin.replace(/.*?#(\d+)$/, '$1'),
      cards = localStorage.fa_post_cards ? JSON.parse(localStorage.fa_post_cards) : {},

      // escape HTML tags to reduce risk of XSS attacks
      for (i in o) {
        o[i] = fa_post_card.sanitize(o[i]);

      anchor.className += ' fa_post_card';
      anchor.title = fa_post_card.lang.tooltip;

      // card structure
      anchor.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_card_inner">'+
        '<div class="fa_card_left">'+
          '<img class="fa_card_avatar" src="' + ( o.avatar ? o.avatar : fa_post_card.lang.no_avatar ) + '"/>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_username">' + ( o.username ? o.username : fa_post_card.lang.no_name ) + '</div>'+

        '<div class="fa_card_right">'+
          '<div class="fa_card_title"><h2>' + ( o.title ? o.title : fa_post_card.lang.no_title ) + '</h2></div>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_summary"><p>' + ( o.summary ? ( o.summary.length > fa_post_card.summary_length ? o.summary.slice(0, fa_post_card.summary_length) + '...' : o.summary ) : fa_post_card.lang.no_summary ) + '</p></div>'+
          '<div class="fa_card_origin">' + ( o.origin ? o.origin.replace(/http:\/\//, '') : fa_post_card.lang.no_origin ) + '</div>'+

        '<div class="fa_card_clear"></div>'+

      // store the card data to the cards object
      if (!cards[]) {
        cards[] = {};

      cards[]['card' + id] = {
        data : anchor.innerHTML,
        expires : +new Date

      localStorage.fa_post_cards = JSON.stringify(cards);

    // get and turn the link into a card
    get : function() {
      var a = fa_post_card.a[++fa_post_card.index],
          cards = localStorage.fa_post_cards ? JSON.parse(localStorage.fa_post_cards) : {},
          reg = /#\d+$/, // match the post hash

      // make sure the anchor contains a hash in the href and html content
      if (a && reg.test(a.innerHTML) && reg.test(a.href)) {
        id = a.href.replace(/.*?#(\d+)$/, '$1'); // post id
        post = $('.post--' + id)[0]; // post selector

        // get the card data if it's cached
        if (cards[] && cards[]['card' + id] && cards[]['card' + id].data && cards[]['card' + id].expires > +new Date - fa_post_card.cache_time) {
          a.className += ' fa_post_card';
          a.title = fa_post_card.lang.tooltip;
          a.innerHTML = cards[]['card' + id].data;
        } else {
          // if the post is present on the page we'll get it by the id
          if (post) {
            fa_post_card.createCard(a, post, fa_post_card.version);
          } else {
            // otherwise we need to get the post data via AJAX
            $.get(a.href.replace(reg, '') + '?change_version=prosilver', function(d) {
              var post = $('.post--' + id, d)[0];
              fa_post_card.createCard(a, post, new RegExp( ? fa_post_card.version : 1); // change the version to prosilver so it's possible to get external post cards
            }).error(function() {

      // continue iterating through the anchor array until we've reached the quota
      if (fa_post_card.index < fa_post_card.quota) {


  fa_post_card.get(); // start iterating the anchors

document.write('<style type="text/css">a.fa_post_card{font-size:12px;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none!important;color:#333!important;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #CCC;border-radius:10px;display:block;width:600px;max-width:100%;min-height:100px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:3px 0}.fa_card_inner{margin-left:125px}.fa_card_left{text-align:center;background:#EEE;border-right:1px solid #CCC;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;width:125px}.fa_card_avatar{height:50px;width:50px;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;margin:-35px 0 0 -25px}.fa_card_username{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;right:0;margin-top:20px}.fa_card_title h2{color:#333;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;border:none;margin:0}.fa_card_summary p{font-size:12px;margin:0}.fa_card_origin{color:#999}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_summary p,.fa_card_title h2{padding:3px 10px}.fa_card_origin,.fa_card_title h2,.fa_card_username{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.fa_card_clear{clear:both}</style>');
Might need to clear your cache after. I'll add the updated script to the first post. Wink
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PostSLGray Thu 01 Sep 2016, 16:10

Thanks @Ange Tuteur .
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PostMichael_vx Fri 02 Sep 2016, 03:11

im not sure if i have the rights to ask
but how is the progress about the question
Ange Tuteur
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PostAnge Tuteur Fri 02 Sep 2016, 10:30

@Michael_vx sorry I almost forgot. Shocked

You can do something like this :
function iterate_links(array, fn) {
  var next = function() {
    that = array[++i];

    if (that) {
      fn(that, next);

  i = -1,


// iterate all the postbody links
iterate_links($('.postbody a'), function(that, next) {
  if (that.href == that.innerHTML) {
    $.get(that.href, function(d) {
      that.innerHTML = d.match(/<title>(.*?)<\/title/i)[1];

  } else {
But it'll be a little heavy.

It'll change links like this :

into what their page title is :
Post Cards - Page 4
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PostMichael_vx Sat 03 Sep 2016, 13:48

ill see if i can do it Smile
beside we are humans i dont think we will be humans if we never forget things only robots dose not forget things Post Cards - Page 4 1f602
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PostJazeon Mon 05 Sep 2016, 02:54

This would've been amazing also if it was actually a quote custom.
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PostParadiseng Wed 16 Nov 2016, 14:47

Please, i want ask, is it posibble if i could have a code of Post Card that will work beyond forumotion forums. That code that will convert url of any other website that is not forumotion into a post card?

PostGuest Thu 17 Nov 2016, 03:36

Paradiseng wrote:Please, i want ask, is it posibble if i could have a code of Post Card that will work beyond forumotion forums. That code that will convert url of any other website that is not forumotion into a post card?

I think your request is impossible to create. To get that automated the script would have to know each and every site's selector etc. Like, how would the script able to differentiate between titles, texts and ads for instance?. However, one could create a template that uses the same kind of style. I imagine a script that allows the user to insert a title, the first 160 characters of the article and the URL to the article (opens when clicked in a new tab) and the hover-over code saying 'Click to view more ...' or something like that to make it look more or less the same. I believe it's even possible to add that kind of template / form to one's sceditor ...
Ange Tuteur
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PostAnge Tuteur Thu 17 Nov 2016, 10:08

Paradiseng wrote:Please, i want ask, is it posibble if i could have a code of Post Card that will work beyond forumotion forums. That code that will convert url of any other website that is not forumotion into a post card?
It's possible -- take the twitter website cards for example, which this plugin was inspired by -- perhaps I may think about making something for it in the future.
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PostParadiseng Sun 20 Nov 2016, 09:47

Ange Tuteur wrote:
Paradiseng wrote:Please, i want ask, is it posibble if i could have a code of Post Card that will work beyond forumotion forums. That code that will convert url of any other website that is not forumotion into a post card?
It's possible -- take the twitter website cards for example, which this plugin was inspired by -- perhaps I may think about making something for it in the future.
Alright, That @Ange Tuteur I am looking forward to having something like that Very Happy

PostGuest Mon 28 Nov 2016, 04:23

We're definitely gonna need the external links option for the postcards now, to link back to official articles created by the council and published articles on other sites that concern the community and give members the opportunity to react and leave a reply to them. I'm sure. If you could work something out for us, please do, @Ange Tuteur. It would be of great help to us. TY! Wink

PostGuest Fri 23 Dec 2016, 09:50


PostGuest Wed 04 Jan 2017, 11:38

Bump again ... Embarassed
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PostApe Sun 12 Mar 2017, 15:38

Not sure what is going on but i have just seen this bug on this system Sad
this thread
it says the system could not Find the post but it's clear when you click on the link it's goes to the thread with no problem
Post Cards - Page 4 Captur20 as you can see it's saying a Error and its not one

can you help me fix this ?

Thank you.

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PostJerriLeah7 Sun 12 Mar 2017, 21:28

Ape wrote:Not sure what is going on but i have just seen this bug on this system Sad
this thread
it says the system could not Find the post but it's clear when you click on the link it's goes to the thread with no problem
Post Cards - Page 4 Captur20 as you can see it's saying a Error and its not one

can you help me fix this ?

Thank you.


I also experienced this on my forum. I thought it was just a "me" thing, but apparently it isn't. O-o
Thanks for reporting!
Dr Jay
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PostDr Jay Mon 13 Mar 2017, 03:14

Your posts should be readable by guests. If they are readable by members/groups only, they will display an error there in the post card. The Post Card is not able to "log in" to your forum, so it will display an error instead. However, because you have an account and are logged in, you will see the topic when you click on the link.

For your specific post card there, I clicked it, and it redirected me to the following URL:

I'm sure Ange may confirm this, since he created the code, but that's how I analyzed the code, to which I'm sure it has to do with an init error. Because the post card would require some level of authentication to work "cross-site" or "cross-forum" - the error will likely not be resolvable. Smile
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