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Auto-suggest @mentions as You Type

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Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
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Language : EN, JA, FR
Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Fri 19 Aug 2016, 12:50

First topic message reminder :

This plugin for the editor auto-suggests you usernames while you're typing a @handle ( mention ). Clicking the suggestions or pressing enter will automatically complete the @handle so you can save time typing ! Plus to make the mentioning system more user-friendly this plugin auto-inserts quotes, so you don't have to worry about failing to tag anyone ever again !

Auto-suggest @mentions as You Type - Page 4 Fament10
Click to view demo

How does it work ?

  • Typing only the at symbol "@" in the editor will bring up a list of the recently connected users.
  • Typing "@" with a letter after the symbol such as "@a" will bring up a list of users who begin with the letter "a". As you continue typing the results will narrow down !
  • When the suggestion list pops up, you can move through the suggestions using the UP and DOWN arrow keys, pressing ENTER will auto-complete the @handle. You can also select mentions with the mouse.
  • To cancel the suggestion list simply press the SPACE bar.

This plugin is optimized for all existing forum versions, so if you like what you hear above then it's time to move on to the installation ! Wink

Note : If you've modified the memberlist_body templates this plugin may not work for you. Please leave a reply with a link to your forum if this is the case.


To install this plugin go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.

Title : @Mention Auto-suggest
Placement : In all the pages
Paste the following code into the textarea :
!window.fa_mentionner && !/\/privmsg|\/profile\?mode=editprofile&page_profil=signature/.test(window.location.href) && $(function(){$(function(){
  var container = $('.sceditor-container')[0],
      text_editor = document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'),
  if (container && text_editor) {
    frame = $('iframe', container);
    instance = $(text_editor).sceditor('instance');
    window.fa_mentionner = {
      suggest_delay : 100, // delay before suggestions show up (100ms)
      // language presets
      lang : {
        placeholder : 'Searching...',
        not_found : 'User not found'
      // colors of the suggestion popup
      color : {
              font : '#333',
        hover_font : '#FFF',
        error_font : '#F00',
              background : '#FFF',
        hover_background : '#69C',
        border : '#CCC',
        shadow : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.176)'
      // sceditor instance and rangeHelper
      instance : instance,
      rangeHelper : instance.getRangeHelper(),
      // cached nodes for listening and modifications
      frame : frame[0],
      body : frame.contents().find('body')[0],
      textarea : $('textarea', container)[0],
      // faux textarea and suggestion list
      faux_textarea : $('<div id="faux_text_editor" />')[0], // helps us mirror the cursor position in source mode
      list : $('<div id="fa_mention_suggestions" style="position:absolute;" />')[0],
      // version specific selectors
      selectors : $('.bodyline')[0] ? ['a.gen[href^="/u"]', ' a'] :
                  document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? ['.membername', '.mini-avatar'] :
      // adjusts the scroll position of the faux textarea so the caret stays in line
      adjustScroll : function() {
        fa_mentionner.faux_textarea.scrollTop = fa_mentionner.textarea.scrollTop;
      // updates the content in the faux textarea
      updateFauxTextarea : function(active, key) {
        if (key == 16) { // 16 = SHIFT
          return; // return when specific keys are pressed
        // clear suggestion queue when suggestions aren't active
        if (active != true) {
        } else {
          return; // return when interactive keys are pressed while suggesting ; up, down, enter
        // use another method if in WYSIWYG mode
        if (!fa_mentionner.instance.inSourceMode()) {
          key != 32 ? fa_mentionner.searchWYSIWYG() : fa_mentionner.clearSuggestions();
        var val = fa_mentionner.instance.val(),
            range = 0,
        // update the textarea height and width if it's not equal
        if ( != || != {
        // get the position of the caret
        if (document.selection) {
          selection = document.selection.createRange();
          selection.moveStart('character', -fa_mentionner.textarea.length);
          range = selection.text.length;
        } else if (fa_mentionner.textarea.selectionStart || fa_mentionner.textarea.selectionStart == 0) {
          range = fa_mentionner.textarea.selectionStart;
        // set the position of the caret
        val = val.slice(0, range) + '{FAUX_CARET}' + val.slice(range, val.length);
        // parse and sanitize the faux textarea content
          val.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
            .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
            .replace(/@"(.*?)"|@(.*?)(?:\s|\r|\n|$)/g, function(M, $1, $2) {
              var lastChar = M.substr(-1),
                  name = ($1 || $2 || '').replace(/\{FAUX_CARET\}|"/g, '');
              return '<a href="#' + name + '">' + (/\s|\r|\n/.test(M) ? M.slice(0, M.length - 1) + '</a>' + lastChar : M + '</a>');
            .replace(/\{FAUX_CARET\}/, '<span id="faux_caret" style="position:absolute;margin-left:-3px;">|</span>')
        faux_caret = document.getElementById('faux_caret');
        // mentions are parsed as <a>nchors, so when the faux caret is inside one we'll show some suggestions
        if (faux_caret && faux_caret.parentNode.tagName == 'A') {
          fa_mentionner.value = val;
          fa_mentionner.delay = window.setTimeout(function() {
            fa_mentionner.suggest(faux_caret.parentNode.href.replace(/.*?#(.*)/, '$1'), $(faux_caret).offset());
          }, fa_mentionner.suggest_delay);
      // search for active mentions in wysiwyg mode
      searchWYSIWYG : function() {
        var selected = fa_mentionner.rangeHelper.cloneSelected(),
            mentions = &&".*?")|(@.*?)(?:\s|\r|\n|$)/g),
        if (mentions && mentions[0]) {
          // clean up whitespace
          for (i in mentions) {
            mentions[i] = mentions[i].replace(/\s$/g, '');
          // search for the mention that's currently being modified
          for (i in mentions) {
            if (!fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions || (mentions[i] != fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions[i])) {
              hit = true;
              fa_mentionner.delay = window.setTimeout(function() {
                fa_mentionner.rangeHelper.insertMarkers(); // insert markers to help get the caret offset
                offset = $(fa_mentionner.frame).offset();
                offset_marker = $('#sceditor-end-marker', fa_mentionner.body).show().offset();
                // add the marker offsets to the iframe offsets
                offset.left += offset_marker.left;
       += - fa_mentionner.body.scrollTop;
                fa_mentionner.suggest(mentions[i].slice(1).replace(/^"|"$/g, ''), offset, true);
                fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_active = mentions[i]; // save the active mention for later use in finish()
              }, fa_mentionner.suggest_delay);
          // hide the suggestion list if there's no newly modified mentions
          if (!hit) {
   = 'none';
            fa_mentionner.focused = null;
          fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions = mentions; // update the list of mentions
      // suggest a list of users based on the passed username
      suggest : function(username, offset, wysiwyg) {
        // insert the suggestion list to show that it's searching
        fa_mentionner.list.innerHTML = '<span class="fam-info">' + fa_mentionner.lang.placeholder + '</span>';
          left : offset.left + 'px',
          top : + 'px',
          display : 'block',
          overflowY : 'auto'
        // send a query request to the memeberlist to find users who match the typed username
        fa_mentionner.request = $.get('/memberlist?username=' + username, function(d) {
          fa_mentionner.request = null;
          var suggestion = $(fa_mentionner.selectors ? fa_mentionner.selectors[0] : '.avatar-mini a', d),
              ava = fa_mentionner.selectors ? $(fa_mentionner.selectors[1], d) : null,
              i = 0,
              j = suggestion.length,
          fa_mentionner.list.innerHTML = '';
          if (j) {
            for (; i < j; i++) {
              name = $(suggestion[i]).text().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
                '<a href="javascript:fa_mentionner.finish(\'' + name.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + '\', ' + wysiwyg + ');" class="fa_mention_suggestion">'+
                  '<img class="fa_suggested_avatar" src="' + $(fa_mentionner.selectors ? ava[i] : suggestion[i]).find('img').attr('src') + '"/>'+
                  '<span class="fa_suggested_name">' + name + '</span>'+
            // change overflowY property when it exceeds 7 suggestions -- prevents unsightly scroll bug
   = j > 7 ? 'scroll' : 'auto';
            // update the focused suggestion and scroll it into view
            fa_mentionner.list.firstChild.className += ' fam-focus';
            fa_mentionner.focused = fa_mentionner.list.firstChild;
          } else {
            fa_mentionner.list.innerHTML = '<span class="fam-info" style="color:' + fa_mentionner.color.error_font + ';">' + fa_mentionner.lang.not_found + '</span>';
      // kill the suggestion timeout while typing persists
      clearSuggestions : function() {
        if (fa_mentionner.delay) {
          fa_mentionner.delay = null;
 = 'none';
          fa_mentionner.focused = null;
        if (fa_mentionner.request) {
          fa_mentionner.request = null;
      // finish the username
      finish : function(username, wysiwyg) {
        var mention, index, i;
        // hide and clear suggestions
        fa_mentionner.focused = null; = 'none';
        if (!wysiwyg) {
          fa_mentionner.value = fa_mentionner.value.replace(/(?:@".[^"]*?\{FAUX_CARET\}.*?"|@\{FAUX_CARET\}.*?(\s|\n|\r|$)|@.[^"\s]*?\{FAUX_CARET\}.*?(\s|\n|\r|$))/, function(M, $1, $2) {
            mention = '@"' + username + '"';
            return '{MENTION_POSITION}' + ( $1 ? $1 : $2 ? $2 : '' );
          // get the index where the mention should be
          index = fa_mentionner.value.indexOf('{MENTION_POSITION}');
          fa_mentionner.value = fa_mentionner.value.replace('{MENTION_POSITION}', '');
          // save current scroll position for application after the value has been updated
          fa_mentionner.scrollIndex = fa_mentionner.textarea.scrollTop;
          // update the textarea with the completed mention
          fa_mentionner.instance.insert(fa_mentionner.value.slice(0, index) + mention, fa_mentionner.value.slice(index, fa_mentionner.value.length));
          // restore the scroll position for the textareas
          fa_mentionner.textarea.scrollTop = fa_mentionner.scrollIndex;
          // update the fake textarea
        } else {
          // save the caret range in WYSIWYG so we can restore it after replacing the HTML
          fa_mentionner.body.innerHTML = fa_mentionner.body.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp(fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_active.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&") + '(<span.*?id="sceditor-end-marker".*?>)'), '@"' + username + '"$1');
          // update the wysiwyg mention array so no new suggestions appear
          for (i in fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions) {
            if (fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions[i] == fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_active) {
              fa_mentionner.wysiwyg_mentions[i] = '@"' + username + '"';
      // scroll the selected suggestion into view
      scrollSuggestions : function() {
            $(fa_mentionner.focused).offset().top -
            $(fa_mentionner.list).offset().top +
          ) -
          (26 * 3) // 26 = the height of the suggestions, so display 3 suggestions above while scrolling
    // get computed styles for the textarea and apply them to the faux textarea
    for (var css = window.getComputedStyle(fa_mentionner.textarea, null), i = 0, j = css.length, str = ''; i < j; i++) {
      str += css[i] + ':'  + css.getPropertyValue(css[i]) + ';';
    // add styles to the head
    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">'+
      '#faux_text_editor {' + str + '}'+
      '#faux_text_editor { position:absolute; left:0; bottom:0; z-index:-1; visibility:hidden; display:block; overflow-y:auto; width:100%; }'+
      '#fa_mention_suggestions { color:' + fa_mentionner.color.font + '; font-size:10px; font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif; background:' + fa_mentionner.color.background + '; border:1px solid ' + fa_mentionner.color.border + '; margin-top:20px; z-index:999; max-height:182px; overflow-x:hidden; box-shadow:0 6px 12px ' + fa_mentionner.color.shadow + '; }'+
      'a.fa_mention_suggestion, .fam-info { color:' + fa_mentionner.color.font + '; height:26px; line-height:26px; padding:0 3px; display:block; white-space:nowrap; cursor:pointer; }'+
      'a.fa_mention_suggestion.fam-focus { color:' + fa_mentionner.color.hover_font + '; background:' + fa_mentionner.color.hover_background + '; }'+
      '.fa_suggested_avatar { height:20px; width:20px; vertical-align:middle; margin-right:3px; }'+
      'a.fa_mention_suggestion, .fa_suggested_name { transition:none; }'+ // override transitions, specifically on modernbb
    // insert faux textarea into document
    fa_mentionner.textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(fa_mentionner.faux_textarea, fa_mentionner.textarea);
    // apply event handlers
    fa_mentionner.textarea.onclick = fa_mentionner.updateFauxTextarea;
    fa_mentionner.textarea.onscroll = fa_mentionner.adjustScroll;
    // update the faux textarea on keyup
    fa_mentionner.instance.keyUp(function(e) {
      if (fa_mentionner.focused && e && (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40)) {
        fa_mentionner.updateFauxTextarea(true, e.keyCode);
        return false;
      } else {
        fa_mentionner.updateFauxTextarea(false, e.keyCode);
    // key events for the suggested mentions
    $([document, fa_mentionner.body]).on('keydown', function(e) {
      var that =;
      if (fa_mentionner.focused && e && e.keyCode && (that.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || that.tagName == 'BODY')) {
        // move selection down
        if (e.keyCode == 40) {
          var next = fa_mentionner.focused.nextSibling;
          if (next) {
            next.className += ' fam-focus';
            fa_mentionner.focused = next;
          return false;
        // move selection up
        if (e.keyCode == 38) {
          var prev = fa_mentionner.focused.previousSibling;
          if (prev) {
            prev.className += ' fam-focus';
            fa_mentionner.focused = prev;
          return false;
        // apply selection
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {
          return false;
    // update focused suggestion on hover
    $(document).on('mouseover', function(e) {
      var that =;
      if (/fa_mention_suggestion/.test(that.className)) {
        that.className += ' fam-focus';
        fa_mentionner.focused = that;

When you're finished, save the script and the auto-suggest plugin for mentions will be installed, and typing "@" should now bring up suggestions in your editor ! Very good

If you want to make any modifications to this plugin please see the following section. Doff


Below is a list of the modifications that can be made to this plugin.

1. suggest_delay
This variable determines the delay before the editor starts searching for suggestions after typing the @ symbol. By default the delay is 0.1 seconds, if you want to change it simply modify the delay time.
suggest_delay : 100, // delay before suggestions show up (100ms)

2. lang
If you want to change any of the texts that appear in this plugin, find the lang object :
      lang : {
        placeholder : 'Searching...',
        not_found : 'User not found'
and edit any of the texts you want ! Wink

3. color
The last modifiable portion in this plugin is the color object :
      color : {
              font : '#333',
        hover_font : '#FFF',
        error_font : '#F00',

              background : '#FFF',
        hover_background : '#69C',

        border : '#CCC',
        shadow : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.176)'
Feel free to modify any of the colors in this object to change the default colors of the suggestion list. Artist

That's all the modifications that can be made ! If you have any feedback, suggestions, or a problem with this plugin, feel free to leave a reply below. I hope this plugin makes mentioning members more easy ! Banana

Tutorial written by Ange Tuteur.
Special thanks to the Beta Testers for testing this plugin.
Reproduction not permitted without consent from the author.

Last edited by Ange Tuteur on Thu 27 Sep 2018, 10:01; edited 6 times in total

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Postjucarese Mon 10 Jul 2017, 06:03

Thanks @Ange Tuteur
For now we have only placed it in the support forum if there are requests we will launch the tutorial with the revisions that you indicate and we will modify our code with the same
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Postdemon99 Sat 11 Nov 2017, 00:32

Hello Guys.

Firstable, Thanks @Ange Tuteur Your Tutorial Works Great!

But there's an issues in my forum. This Auto Suggest Feature is only can use by Admin. Meanwhile when i tested with a basic member, the suggestion showing user not found, but actually the users is existed.

How to fix that??

My Forum Version : PunBB
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur
Gender : Male
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Browser : Browser : Brave Forum Version : Forum Version : Forumactif Edge

PostAnge Tuteur Sat 11 Nov 2017, 16:45

Hello @demon99,

Please make sure that members can view the "memberlist" page. You can adjust this setting via Admin Panel > Users and Groups > Special Rights > Memberlist : Members > Save. The names of users are acquired from this page, so if one cannot access it, then you'll be unable to get the proper suggestions.
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PostT.C. Sun 12 Nov 2017, 18:14

real quick question: So I did this, and it worked. However it doesn't actually tag the person. After you do it, it's not a link like here either. Should I have added something prior?
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Postdemon99 Wed 15 Nov 2017, 07:24

@Ange Tuteur Thankss!!!
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Postskouliki Wed 15 Nov 2017, 14:56

T.C. wrote:real quick question: So I did this, and it worked. However it doesn't actually tag the person. After you do it, it's not a link like here either. Should I have added something prior?


are these activate?

admin panel...general...messages and emails..configuration

Auto-suggest @mentions as You Type - Page 4 Screen10

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PostT.C. Mon 20 Nov 2017, 20:01

skouliki wrote:
T.C. wrote:real quick question: So I did this, and it worked. However it doesn't actually tag the person. After you do it, it's not a link like here either. Should I have added something prior?


are these activate?

admin panel...general...messages and emails..configuration

Auto-suggest @mentions as You Type - Page 4 Screen10

Ah, thank you. That fixed it. Much appreciated.
Gender : Female
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Browser : Browser : Google Chrome Forum Version : Forum Version : punBB

Postskouliki Tue 21 Nov 2017, 04:57

you very welcome
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PostT.C. Tue 21 Nov 2017, 12:36

Ok, so it does work, but it does not inform the person they where tagged. It shows up as a link now that I changed it however. But obviously it's kinda pointless if it doesn't inform them they where tagged.
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